
The Genesis Project

First cedric leonard's exhibition

Genesis, is greeted at CURRENTLY Hotel Aqua Located at 43 rue de Stassart in Ixelles. training graphic designer and web designer SINCE plusieurs Years, The Known For Being who is not of the most expert of its Creative generation discovers an artistic soul. this conversion on Development and Natural awaited. His work has always unveiled in June intrinsic creativity Deeply Modern and the perpetual search for the Air du Temps. A first view, it is LOCATED in the footsteps of Justin Maller and Niklas lundberg.

Cedric Leonard invite, That one will of the viewer in its “Reality of intangible rights “and has not” another look “at our company. His works the traits capture a world of excess borrowing and weakness the UN picture titan with feet of clay. Technically, SES “visual compositions” As likes to highlight the artist Associates In A motley band appearance visual photography, detail design and density to the own painting.

Genesis nod to the “beginning” of his career artistic and “beginnings of art” Expose These deities Adam & Eve e Osiris, and the same, reveal the influence of the artist. Contemporary surrealism Who combines the eccentricity UN symbolic of Dali, Magritte UN conceptual shift and the arrangement of non Picasso cubist. Beautiful mosaics image Who suffering and draw the glow of a new and very Reality personal. Generally Way on not report the real feel very ambiguous.

Sure Oscillates between abstract and without knowing Which take concrete concrete pump the above. The violence of the icons shown in contrast with the Topics of candor and We bring Directly In no paradox current society. The best and the worst rub shoulders in indifference A clear and not daily struggle. The dichotomous nature of SES works is, aussi, omnipresent. With the parallel society Where aussi current wealth and poverty coexist in a quest Seņs become oppressive. Will you understand, Cedric Leonard unveil on June 1 Rich sense of exposure, and successful complex.

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